Friday, November 5, 2010

wishing light to all of you...

A doodle for light ...

welcoming all the lights and cheers and sending them back to you all.........


  1. It is downright audacious to consider this art work a "doodle"!Its beautiful. I am so glad that you chose to put this up on Diwali. Thanks for the wishes. May this diwali Light up new dreams, fresh hopes, undiscovered avenues, different perspectives, everythin bright & beautifulfil and fill ur days with pleasant surprises and moments.

    Happy Diwali

  2. Thank you Amrita... for the generous praise and all the wishes.

    This doodle was made without anything particular in mind and it turned out like an upright growth ans kind of illuminating flame interpretation :)

    Everybody interprets differently and it might mean different to someone else.

  3. Lovely doodle( though i would call it intricate art work)
    malathi S

  4. Thank you Malathi... it's very easy simple free hand doodle .

  5. you are so so talented, Sangeeta. xx
