Sunday, March 24, 2013

look who can do monkey crawling...

Yes. The squirrels. They have their own ways to reach the bird feeders I put up on the most difficult places for them. I could catch this one in the act when he was monkey crawling to reach and then to return from the hanging bird feeder.

Don't ask me how I know it was a he squirrel. You would see that by yourself :-)

He descends down..there is an Asparagus extending it's creepers to the bird feeder and on the clothesline, the squirrel is not bothered...

 Settles himself comfortably into the bowl of Sorghum grains and nibbles..

As I move a little closer to make him run back, he quickly climbs up and gets hold of the clothesline.

Balancing himself or exposing himself :-)

 Getting hold of the wire from up...quickly...

Then in the act of changing gears...

Hanging upside down, monkey crawling...

Quickly moving ahead to reach the other end, where the clothesline is tied to the trunk of Jamun tree...

And jumps to the Jamun trunk in one quick leap...

Comes down and practices playing with wires and ropes with a dry twig of Amrita (Giloy) that has climbed on Jamun tree...

Watching the lady with camera all this while.

The squirrels have been a menace for birds as they hijack the bird feeders all the time. And then they look at me as if they did nothing..see how he is sitting on a comfortable little nook on the Bael tree...

As if asking me what I am doing there..

 This is my territory...go away..